Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Movin' on Up in Awana

Colby wanted me to blog and let everyone know he is officially old enough to be a helper in Awana now(see picture below), so here we are. Dalayna woke up early this morning and her first question was, "What time is Awana?" She was very excited because she is a Sparkie this year. She is downstairs as I am posting this memorizing her first verses. She can even read them and that is so exciting!!
He looks like a stern leader doesn't he? He actually wanted his picture taken, smiled, then after I had pushed the button, gave me this look!!

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Judy and Papa Ray are proud of both of you. Serving the Lord and memorizing the Bible verses are both very GOOD things. Keep on doing those good things. We love you so much and cannot wait to see you. Grandma Judy and Papa Ray
