Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lake-Effect Snow

Terry came home from work on Thursday evening and said there were lake-effect snow warnings out. I guess I had been in my own little world and paid little attention to the TV, not checked the forecast on the internet or anything, so I was very surprised. So, much later that evening the snow began. It has continued into this afternoon. It has been very heavy at times, then stops for a little while, and starts in again. We decided late last night that we would not be able to go to church because, as you can see, we had a little over 8 inches on the ground and they were calling for more today. So when we got moving this morning, I measured the snow. You can see what it amounted to on the ruler.
Here is what we measured around 6 hours later!! It is still snowing, so it may reach over the top of that ruler!! I have never seen this much snow, but we are having fun with it!! By the way, I left the ruler in the snow, so it wasn't moved or anything in that 6 hours.

This picture is similar to ones I took on another post, but you can see much more snow this time, and less bushes and greenery. Notice the lovely cap on top of the bird bath.

Ranger is tenacious, determined, ornery, loveable and can track scents of other animals quickly. He found a scent under a bunch of logs and branches,dug his face in until all you could see were his floppy ears. I just had to get a picture of it. His nose was working overtime today.

Colby and Remington love to go wandering through the property looking for deer tracks. There were 7 deer in the backyard one morning last week. Since the snow started last Thursday evening we haven't seen the tracks of any animal.

This picture was taken in the woods. We have decided to venture into the woods the past couple days since we haven't been able to go anywhere. It is like a winter wonderland. This picture doesn't capture the beauty of the snowfall like I hoped it would. It was snowing heavily at the time.

Dalayna decided to take a seat in the snow and asked Colby to join her. The cold hit her then and her fun was over.

In some spots in the yard, it looks like Ranger is "swimming" in the snow!! Here you can see it is up to his chest. It doesn't seem to bother him, though!! In fact, he didn't want to go back into the garage today; he just wanted to play in the snow. Yesterday Colby put Ranger on his lap and took him down the front hill on the sled. He didn't enjoy that!

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