Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy 17th to Us!!

There we were and now here we are 17 years later. We look so young!! Pictured below from left to right is: my cousin T.J., flowergirl cousin Brooke, cousin Lori and cousin Shannon, us of course, our good friend Kevin, my brother Kenny and my cousin Shane. I am so thankful to each of these people for taking part in this special time in our lives. Of all the pictures taken that day, this has always been my favorite, will always be my favorite. I think my aunt Diana took it.
By the way, for our anniversary surprise(for both of us) was an offer on our house, which we accepted. Thanks to each person who has prayed for us about our house selling. You are a blessing !!


  1. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on the house!

  2. That picture brought back sweet memories, thanks for sharing! Happy Anniversary and Congrats on selling the house! (also thx for the emails today!)

  3. Praise God Dawn! I am so excited about the house! (sorry, my computer has been down and I just got it back) Also, happy anniversiary to two wonderful people! We love you guys so much and really miss you! Heard you might be coming home for Easter???? Can't wait to see you all again!

    Love ya
    P.S. I loved the wedding picture - lots of memories there!

  4. I remember taking that picture! What a beautiful bride and handsome groom - and so happy! Happy Anniversary and lots of love.
