Friday, September 18, 2009

Miscellaneous Pics

Here are a few more pics of Grandma and Grandpa's visit. Terry and Dalayna decided to take on Colby and my dad in a game of football. I think Terry and Dalayna won. Dalayna was worn out afterward, but can never pass up the chance to chase and tackle her big brother!!

Terry and Dalayna forming a game plan.

A game of Clue. My mom and Colby teamed up to win the game.

Colby had to make a volcano of clay(we used playdough) for science since we are studying volcanoes. The black lines are supposed to be cooled lava. I was wondering if we would have to mix up plaster and such, but instead it was very simple. Does he look like a volcanologist? he is the young man of many faces!!

This volcano had more eruptions than a real volcano. Colby used at least one-fourth a box of baking soda and half a bottle of vinegar. Terry was hoping for the kind like Peter Brady had on "The Brady Bunch", but that wasn't quite what our science book called for. We were also missing food coloring, so there was no red lava. We enjoyed it anyway!!


  1. I was wondering if you got to make the volcano. Looks like it worked pretty well. Good job, Colby. Grandma Judy

  2. Aww - what fun pictures!!!

    Aunt Deb
