Friday, July 23, 2010

4th of July Fun-Part 1

As you can see I am not the best one-handed photographer, but I wanted to get a picture of Dalayna in action jumping rope. This is part of what we spent our 4th of July weekend doing-jumping rope. Yes, even I got involved . I figured it was a way to celebrate being another year older.
Don't you love the pony-tails in the air? Dalayna learned to jump rope in our homeschool classes this year. We had tried it at home, but she really got the hang of it in class.
Here is my moment of glory(HA!) I was laughing so hard I messed up!! The good news is-I can still jump at my age!!! The flip side of that is I need more exercise, so the aftermath of this is I am walking 2 miles a day now.

Terry didn't want me to post these pictures, but I just had too because hey, I don't get good action shots very often, but this is a good one. He can still jump too and he is several months older than me.;) The aftermath for him involves running 2-3 miles a day!!

Colby's turn.

Back to Dalayna.

Visiting around the table. This usually involves everyone but me eating some form of chocolate, but we must have all had our fill of food for the day!!

Dalayna's attempt to jump rope before everyone got involved; using the garden flag as a "person" holding the rope.

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