Thursday, February 25, 2010

What are We Up To?

Just wanted to let everyone know we are still alive and well. Terry and I are spending what seems like hours on the internet searching for the right house with the right yard, right number of bedrooms, bathrooms, taxes, etc. So by the time we are done with the searching, my brain needs rest rather than blogging. My body needs to get up out of the chair and move around. Please pray for us as we search, that God will lead us to just the right house. We know He can do just that. We are set to close on our house in FW on March 17th. All we can say is, "Thank you Lord, for all You have done for us." He is faithful, isn't He? Anyone who knows anything about us knows God has shown His faithfulness in our lives over and over. Yes, He is faithful!!

1 comment:

  1. We missed you all Friday. Thanks for the fun cookies and the very cute picture! We look forward to seeing you in just a few weeks!
