Monday, November 9, 2009

Additional Thanks

I wanted to thank more people. First, my parents for giving up their time to come up for several days and work hard. They knew it was not going to be a fun visit,yet they came anyway. They worked from the time they got up until bedtime helping us pack and unpack. They never complained, but did everything they asked. They even stayed an extra day because I was worried about being lonely, and before they went home made sure we had everything we would possibly need. Thank you to my wonderful parents.

Thanks also to Lauren, Abby and Lindsay, who came to help pack boxes, help their mom vaccuum and keep Dalayna company. I had the joy of working with Abby in Awana and she was a real encouragement to me. She wrote me a note to say thanks for working in Awana and made me a craft that I will hang on my Christmas tree. Abby is in 2nd grade, but she taught me that it doesn't matter how old you are, you can be uplifting and encouraging to anyone.


  1. Thank you for the sweet words. "Your parents" were more than glad to be there to help, and, God willing, we will be there again in six months or so, to help with the next move if you need our help then. It was so worth it, to be with you, Terry and the precious kids. We are praying for you each and every day. We love you all so very much and want God's best for you. Love, Mom and Dad

  2. I'm sure your Mom and Dad were more than happy to help you out Dawn - it is never a problem to help out "our kids"! Looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks for Thanksgiving!

    Love ya
