Saturday, August 22, 2009

Study of China

Today was a day Dalayna looked forward to all week. We ordered Chinese and got dressed up in our Chinese clothes to eat dinner. She even dressed her baby doll in Chinese clothes. She wore them to pick up the food and the people were so happy to see the kids in their Chinese clothes they gave us free cookies!! We did this as part of our study of China. I know I should have cooked the meal myself, but it was just easier and realistically tasted much better than mine would have too!! I mixed up my pictures again, so to read more about our study scroll down to the bottom!!
Terry's dinner choice:Chicken with Szechuan sauce

Dalayna attempting to eat with chopsticks. That is one of the things that has fascinated her most as we have learned about China. This is the 2nd time this week she used chopsticks to eat her food. I even tried tonight and didn't do too bad.

For the beginning of our school year, using the "Five in a Row" curriculum, we read "The Story of Ping", a little duck who lives along the banks of the Yangtze River in China. I did the same with Colby in the fall of 2002. At the time we had no idea that we would stand along the banks of the Yangtze River in 2005 and that the country of China would become a part of our family's heritage. Obviously God knew and I believe even through our school curriculum He was preparing us for the journey still 2.5 years away. So here I am in 2009, teaching my daughter about the land of her birth. As you see in the picture, we are making a chart with facts about China as we read lots of books about China. I couldn't get the whole chart in the picture. We hope to lengthen the chart as we finish our study this week. On the map of China is a picture disk of Ping.


  1. Looks like fun to me, and delicious, too! I wish I could have had those kind of "social studies" experiences in my day of school. Love you, Mom

  2. Me tooo! When I studied other countrys, I never got to tast the food! Hmmm - maybe I would have learned more!!! Thanks so much for sharing this Dawn! I think Amy is going to start school with Jaylyn on Wednesday - it will be fun to watch her progress! When are you coming home for a visit??? Love ya Deb
