Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Day

This year I didn't miss the picture on Christmas morning, but my camera was already giving out, so the picture is a bit blurry. I think this picture is such a good representation of how close my children have become lately. It is something Terry and I have prayed for and God has used this latest move to grow them closer. They enjoy spending time together, serving one another in various ways, and making each other laugh a lot!! They still have days where they pick at each other and get upset with each other, but not as much. They are such a precious gift to Terry and me!! They opened up gifts from Grandma Judy and PaPa Ray on Christmas morning. Terry and I gave them each 1 surprise gift. We decided ahead of time to do our own family Christmas on New Year's Eve. It is just too much to pack their gifts and take it with us, then bring it right back home. The way I pack we don't have much room for extras!! :)

Dalayna with ballerina pajamas from Grandma Judy and PaPa Ray.

Opening the gifts, what fun!! Christmas afternoon we gather at my grandparents house to open gifts. This is my mom's side of the family. We look forward to Grandpa's fudge, Grandma's Christmas tree cookies, and pickled eggs, well, I look forward to the eggs anyway!! We are in close quarters as you can see, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It just wouldn't be the same if we were spread out everywhere. Isn't baby Leighton too cute?

Dalayna and her cousin Jaylyn received pretty dolls for Christmas. If you wonder why Jaylyn is at this gathering too, I will try to explain. Let me just say it is all legal!! Here goes: There are 2 sisters, Debbie and Diana. Debbie is married to my mom's brother(Jaylyn's grandparents). Diana married my dad's brother. So, you see, it is kind of like a big circle.:) Jaylyn and Dalayna had a good time playing on Christmas Day.

Unfortunately, this is the last picture I was able to took of Christmas. My battery gave out because I forgot to charge it before we left for St.L. Colby and Dalayna were playing with Aunt Angie and Uncle Marty's dog. We finished our Christmas day at their house.

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